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Agile organization at IKOR - this is how we solve our customers' challenges

Workplace agile organization

Agile organizational structures.

Our docks offer the necessary flexibility with which we implement your digital projects.

In our matrix organization, we make use of individual operational, flexible units: We call these docks. Our docks are organized according to responsibility level and area of expertise. They form the so-called Anchor Circle. A dock combines all the competencies with which we comprehensively solve a customer problem.

Within the dock, crews each represent a service offering. At least two crews work in one dock and amount to one service. The organization of the service offerings is vertical. The individual crews within the docks cooperate on a project depending on the area of operation and consistently result from a customer problem. A crew, and thus a service offering, can be added to or removed from the dock's service at any time. In this way, we ensure agile action instead of becoming entrenched in limiting hierarchical organizational structures.

In addition to the required insurance or financial services expertise, technology know-how and methodological competence come together in the docks. IKORians are therefore always assigned to a horizontal unit, a cargo. The cargo bundles the skills according to disciplines.

Missions pursue new goals or secure existing successes. They can be permanent or temporary. They work bothwithin a dock and across docks. New crews can be created from missions.

To ensure that each dock functions, it has staff units in its own governance. These form the interfaces to the internal organization, the Anchor Circle Governance. IKOR bundles the higher-level functions in it.

The organizational structure enables us to provide our customers with fully comprehensive advice on their digitization tasks.

Roles within the dock matrix structure

Dock Manager

Dock Managers identify the dock's strengths and opportunities, are responsible for its commercial success, and shape the vision for the dock's particular market offering.

Chief Product Owner (CPO)

Chief Product Owners also work cross-functionally for the entire dock. They define, design and expand the individual service offerings. They ensure that these can also be combined across docks. The respective crews are responsible for implementation.

Chief Discipline Manager (CDM)

Chief Discipline Managers steer the structure and goals of the Cargos, i.e. all disciplines. Together with the Cargo Leads, they further develop the individual Cargos and their employees. They provide transparency inside and outside the dock.

Crew Lead

Crew Leads coordinate the service offering of an individual crew. They offer independent services. IKOR consistently aligns crews with customer needs.

Cargo Lead

Cargo Leads provide disciplinary leadership across crews for all IKORians in the same activity area (Cargo) of the dock. You are responsible for personnel development with a focus on profession and individual needs.

Mission Lead

Mission Leads take responsibility for the successful implementation of a mission - across docks and independent of existing crews or market offerings.

Management and leadership team

Sebastian Herrgesell

Managing Director

Managing Director
IKOR Development Center d.o.o

Sven Schlünzen

Managing Director

Managing Director
IKOR Polska SP. z o.o.

Thomas Weber

Managing Director

Managing Director
IKOR Austria GmbH

Managing Director

Torsten Duderstadt

Dock Manager Project Excellence

Mateusz Eichler

Managing Director & Dock Manager 
IKOR Polska SP. z o.o.

Paul Friedrich

Managing Director & Dock Manager
IKOR Austria GmbH

Andreas Gräpel

Dock Manager Public Sector

Miklós Hegybíró

Managing Director & Dock Manager
IKOR Products GmbH

Dusan Jaksic

Managing Director & Dock Manager
IKOR Development Center d.o.o

Martin Koch

Dock Manager Assurance

Julian Markopolsky

Dock Manager Finsure Integration

Peter Morris

Managing Director

Katja Schmidt

Dock Managerin Application Lifecycle Management

Roger Wollert

Dock Manager Application Lifecycle Management

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