– Company & Culture
142 days new management: "Proud to be part of the transformation team".
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- Kristina Schreiber
About Learnings, Curiosities and Gratitude
142 days ago Sebastian Herrgesell, Sven Schlünzen and Thomas Weber officially joined the management team of IKOR. Admittedly, the trio had already supported the previous company leadership. On the occasion of their first official three-plus months in office, the editorial team asked Herrgesell, Schlünzen and Weber, three seasoned IKOR personalities, about changes, key learnings and new perspectives (or emerging interests) in their management roles. And what they are proud of and grateful for.
– Fastlane
In this survey, you'll learn:
"Addressing uncomfortable topics"

Although not much has changed operationally, there is now significantly more clarity in terms of respective responsibility and decisions. This gives us a sense of security to address uncomfortable issues directly. In this way, we find the best operational and strategic solutions for IKOR.
"Positive dynamics impress me"
I am proud that changes in respect to the fast, fluid VUCA world are now becoming noticeable at IKOR. I am impressed by the positive dynamics with which a growing number of colleagues are driving the issue of sustainability within the organization. Or the fact that, despite the high level of complexity and significant project workloads, all departments have provided the necessary information for the 2022 annual financial statements in a targeted manner and have also added value to them.
On the one hand, I am grateful that my private and professional environment enables me to grow into my role even more. On the other hand, I appreciate the dynamics and the commitment of our IKORians - as well as the wealth of small and large impulses, ideas and activities they contribute.
– Sven Schlünzen, as IKOR Managing Director responsible for Company, Business Development & Future Leadership
"The truth begins in thirds"

Formally, I now have more responsibility in my new role. Otherwise, nothing has changed significantly. Meanwhile, it has been fascinating yet also instructive to see which key topics are identified and prioritized within the organization. In this role, I can see that the truth parses into thirds. I am primarily grateful for the trust and confidence of all colleagues in our work. Secondly, for the humility with which all of our employees approach IKOR’s undertaking. And thirdly, for our excellent business performance.
– Thomas Weber, as IKOR Managing Director responsible for Sales & Partnerships
"You can only be proud of something you have achieved on your own"

In the beginning, I had to get used to omitting the "ppa" from my signature; in the past few weeks, I have had to request a certificate of good conduct three times for various authorities and tenders. Other than that, not much has changed. In fact, that may be the most important learning: In working with our IKORians and customers, we already have executive manager experience and expertise across the whole spectrum of business activities.
"What am I proud of?"
"Pride has a very specific meaning for me. You can only be proud of something you have personally achieved. Because we are always asked to participate and involved as a team player, I am happy to be a part of the transformation team in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). We have appointed a great colleague as co-dock manager; she has made rapid progress with her counterpart, the established dock manager and team ALM: The service offering around insurance is growing significantly. We are involved in major tenders and are looking for new colleagues. It was clear to me from the start that our staffing choices were correct and highly competent. I am very pleased with the resulting pace and the overall cooperation.
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