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Kristina Schreiber: "Use job bike 100 percent privately as well".

– Company and Culture

Bikes for IKORians are investments in employee creativity and wellness!


Bike leasing improves employee creativity

Our author Kristina Schreiber is not only responsible for external communications and content marketing at IKOR. She is an ardent supporter of the job bike – a benefit that IKOR makes available to its employees in Germany even in their free time. In her article, Kristina outlines how job bike leasing improves employee creativity and wellness. And she reveals which bike trip you should definitely take as a team in the Hamburg area.

Clear your head. Fill up on ideas. Use energy. Draw strength. - Sport is my indispensable tool for inspiration and fitness: I work as a Communications Manager at IKOR - which is not only a strategic job, but also a creative one. And the best ideas usually come to me while swimming - or cycling through nature.

When my employer offered all IKORians in Germany a job bike via deferred compensation and leasing, I was not only hooked. I was also - as far as the supply chains in Corona times were concerned - all in.

"Use job bike 100 percent privately as well".

Bike leasing at IKOR is the concept of a cost-effective company bike. IKOR employees are also allowed to use their company bike 100 percent privately. My employer's idea: to support the physical, mental and emotional fitness and health of colleagues - even in their free time.

In my case, this materializes in the form of a filigree speedster complete with a diamond frame, narrow tires, fine mudguards, bottle cage, lock and a headlight. But without a luggage rack or chain guard frills. Additionally, my nimble service bike is insured, inspected and well maintained because: I love, well, grinding my brakes.

When I took delivery of my bike in the spring of 2022 (just under a week passed between selecting my bike, getting it approved, finishing the bolts, picking it up and riding off), I was cycling through the apple and cherry blossoms in Hamburg's fruit-growing region. I've raced the fat boats, the container ships on the Elbe, from the bike path in the summer. My team and I spent a day with our bikes in the "Alte Land" holding a barbecue in a fruit meadow after a nice tour through the Elbe lowlands (tour tip, see info box ).

Since last  autumn at the latest, I am now familiar with every moor and forest area in and around Hamburg (and there are a few). This winter I rode along the Elbe and successfully crossed several moors on skinny tires (a slight challenge in the sand). Thanks to IKOR’s progressive work policy, I work a four-day flexible schedule that allows me to bike regularly. I've been able to watch cows, storks, horses and passing e-bikers - with tires as wide as farmhouse bread - in the Hamburg countryside all year round.


Barbecue in the "Alte Land": One of my favorite bike excursion tips for the Hamburg area

Start your bike on the harbor ferry (line 62) from the Landungsbrücken or Docklands ("Altonaer Balkon") and ride to the Rüschpark or Finkenwerder stop. Take the bike route past the Airbus factory and keep to the Elbe until you reach Cranz. Turn south at the little river Este, keep going until you reach Estebrücke and the crossing of the same name at the dike of the river, then turn west towards Jork.

In the apple-growing village of Jork there are several fruit farms where you can stop and have a picnic or barbecue. With a bike trailer, you can carry and set up a barbecue in a picturesque meadow under cherry trees. In Jork, there are remarkable confectioneries, where you can enjoy sensational cakes in an apple orchard.

The bike driving distance between Finkenwerder and Jork is about 20 kilometers. Depending on your fitness level, you should plan between 1 and 1.5 hours for a "one-way" team ride. In Cranz, you can take a snack and drink break directly on the Elbe - with a great view all the way to the suburb of Blankenese and the island of Neßsand on the opposite side. My team and I spent a fantastic late summer day in the "Alte Land" on this tour. Feedback from colleagues: "Five out of five stars."

This is how the job bike leasing concept works at IKOR

That it comes so far, is relatively quickly told: Any registered specialist dealer in Germany can lease a job bike to our IKORians. In my case, I found a bike at my "favorite mechanic" and preferred dealer. The monthly rate is manageable, varies depending on the bike, the insurance package booked, tax class, place of residence, etc.and is reimbursed as part of an employee’s monthly salary.


My job bike conclusion

For almost a year now, I've been regularly riding my beloved job bike through the Hamburg countryside, clearing my head, training - sometimes better, sometimes worse - between cherry blossoms in the Buxtehude countryside, in the cool Sachsenwald forest in midsummer, along the northern course of the Alster in fall, and in the heath landscapes south of the Elbe in winter. While biking, one or the other good idea usually comes to me all by itself. And - hello IKOR, job and bike - quite often it is a strategic-creative idea that I can use to add value at IKOR. That's why I celebrate my job bike and the company culture that makes this possible for me, among other things, double and triple.

Kristina Schreiber ist Communications Manager bei IKOR

My flexible schedule allows me to bike regularly.

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