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IKOR Career

Remain who you are.
Show what you can do.

Working at IKOR

Even if everything in our projects revolves around IT and software: At IKOR, you as a person are the center of attention. And we operate on a highly technical level at times. No question about it. Nevertheless, you will not be restricted in your personality. Above all, we do not have a spirit of uniformity, as is often the case with large consultancies. With us, no one has to bend over backwards to fit in with the company. In fact, the atmosphere at IKOR encourages you to bring your own character into the work as a strength. You can simply be who you are. With all your facets.

Job offers

* At IKOR you can be who you are. Nobody has to pretend. We live and promote diversity and equal opportunities, reject discrimination and think independently of categories such as gender, age, ethnic origin, disability, sexual identity, religion or ideology.

Nothing suitable?
Send us your unsolicited application!

Working at IKOR

Remain who you are. Show what you can do.

We are a technology consultancy and software manufacturer. We are a technology consultancy and software manufacturer. Since more than 25 years. Our focus is on our employees. With all their facets.

Our promise: Whoever works at IKOR does not have to pretend, can be himself, go his own way. No one has to bend over backwards to fit in with the company. Rather, we make sure that everyone fits into the team in the best possible way, can call on their individual potential and act as a professional. No matter what their skills, characteristics or experience.

Hinweise zum Datenschutz

Ein Unternehmen der IKOR Gruppe wird Ihre E-Mail-Adresse nutzen, um das von Ihnen angeforderte Whitepaper an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse zuzustellen. Ihre Daten und Ihr Nutzerverhalten werden elektronisch gespeichert und zum Zweck der Verbesserung der Kundenservices ausgewertet und verarbeitet. Ihre Daten werden zu diesem Zweck an einen Dienstleister in die USA übermittelt und dort verarbeitet werden.

Ein Unternehmen der IKOR Gruppe wird Ihre E-Mail-Adresse außerdem dazu verwenden, Ihnen Marketing-E-Mails zuzusenden. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung im Zusammenhang mit unserem E-Mail-Marketing finden Sie hier.

Ihre Einwilligung ist freiwillig. Sie können sie jederzeit per E-Mail an info@ikor.one widerrufen. Im Falle eines Widerrufs werden Ihre Daten nicht weiterverarbeitet.