IKOR is part of

— Career


We care a lot about your personal development.

Develop your skills through increasingly technical tasks. Grow your competency and project responsibilities. We support you in expanding your operational, technical and professional knowledge through internal and external training. In our extensive seminar catalog, you select the appropriate event or course and thus develop further step by step in a targeted manner.

How we support you and your development

Training of technical and managerial staff through our IFKE (IKOR Leadership Development) program
Personal development and coaching of soft skills, methodological and professional competence from our seminar portfolio
Attendance at specialist conferences such as the SAP Forum for Banks and Insurance Companies, DSAG Technology Days, IT for Insurance Trade Fair Congress or participation in international events such as Guidewire Connect or Pega World
Promoted speaking and lecture opportunities
Collaboration on studies (e.g. Versicherungsforen Leipzig, Lünendonk)
Certifications in SAP or Guidewire, Agile and classic project management (Scrum Master, Product Owner, IPMA)
Collaboration on reference projects with the Corporate Communications team. Opportunities to write and publish professional articles

IKOR Continuing Education Program

You and your manager know best what the next steps on your path are. Select proven seminars from our catalog or decide on individual training topics that we support. This agreement between you and your manager is recorded in the appraisal interview and managed in coordination with the Human Resources team. We explicitly provide the necessary training foundations for individual success at all career levels, from junior to principal or senior. With us, you build up knowledge in a targeted, programmed manner.

Our career stages

For your advancement at IKOR, we offer defined career stages as Consultant, Architect and Developer. Furthermore, we differentiate between the various specialist areas of our employees, from specialist consulting to architecture. We discuss the classification with you in an annual appraisal interview.

Our employee and tertial interviews

Our employee appraisals are an important part of your development at IKOR. Together with your manager you receive feedback on your performance and achievements while also setting expectations for the follow-up period. We focus on goals that fit IKOR’s ambitions and goals. Nevertheless, there is additional room for your personal essentials. You also agree on how close the interaction with the manager should be. In concrete terms, for us this means: Do we talk to each other daily or every 14 days? Here we can respond to your individual topics and wishes so that you also receive the attention of your manager despite remote work and customer assignments.
The annual conversations focus on:
  • Reflection on projects and activities carried out
  • Discussion of personal and professional development
  • Evaluation of accomplishments vs objectives
  • Mutual future goal setting
  • Training plan design, e.g. seminars, specialist conferences or coaching
  • Management agreement and sponsorship
  • Career planning

Our career stages in consulting

Career training for juniors

We have developed ISteps for the qualification of our junior consultants and developers. This concept provides our juniors a comprehensive qualification: technical seminars, personal development training, project work as well as a learning groups on selected topics with other IKOR colleagues. Juniors work independently on an assigned topic and gain initial experience in project management, time management, presentations, research and collaboration in a protected space. Here, too, this includes practical as well as strategic topics from everyday business life.

Leadership development IFKE

For many years, employees at IKOR have been prepared for leadership tasks with a special program, IFKE. To this end, IKORians with leadership functions and high potential are selected and supported in systematically developing their leadership skills. Through four training modules on leadership development, a trainer accompanies the group over a period of nine months. The focus is on leadership methodology, communication and goals, but also on recognizing individual strengths and weaknesses as well as the relationship to everyday life, such as how to lead in distinct team phases.

You want to move forward with us?

Duc Ho ist Recruiter bei IKOR


Duc Ho
Recruiting Specialist

+49 0201 18506700

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