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IKOR is now a Pega Partner

IKOR, a pan-European consultancy and platform integrator head- quartered in Hamburg/Germany, and its digital process automation subsidiary IKOR PX are now official partners of Pegasystems, the market-leading low-code process automation and customer engagement platform.

“We are delighted to welcome IKOR as a business partner in the Pega ecosystem,” said Hardy Köhler, Senior Director, Partner Ecosystem, DACH at Pega. “Our customers in Germany and across the broader Europe and APAC will benefit from IKOR’s expertise in the insurance, financial services, manufacturing, and public sector industries, among others. IKOR is exactly the kind of professional organization we need in our region for the next wave of Digital Transformation.”

Focus on real-time AI and intelligent automation

“Pega delivers true front-to-back digital transformation for clients, with market-leading customer engagement solutions for marketing, sales, service, and operations,said Josh Peck, Managing Director of IKOR PX. “We are excited to be building a new practice that will have the right mix of design, consulting, and engineering expertise to fully leverage Pega’s solutions, while delivering compelling value for our clients.

Image Material

Bild Josh Peck IKOR PX

Josh Peck:
"We focus the right mix of design, consulting and engineering expertise, while delivering compelling value for our clients."


Download Press Release: IKOR is now a Pega Partner - from 19th of October 2021


Press Contact

Kristina Schreiber

Communications Manager
Anchor Circle Governance
+49 40 8199442-0

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