IKOR is part of


Driving true front-to-back digital transformation with Pega solutions 

IKOR PX brings experienced teams and domain experts to drive significant business outcomes and unlock innovation for our clients using Pega, the leading low-code platform delivering industry-leading real-time AI and intelligent process automation. 

Our services

CIO Advisory

  • Strategy and Planning
  • Pega Health Assessment
  • Programme Assurance / PMO
  • Architecture and Data Strategy


Engineering Excellence

  • Application Rationalisation
  • Cloud-native Strategy
  • Cloud Migration Advisory
  • Pega Factory Automation

Pega Partner

Our founding team have worked within the Pega ecosystem for 25+ years with a stellar record of success delivering the most complex digital transformation programmes. IKOR PX is a registered Pega alliance partner.

How we work

Design Right

Unlocking full value Pega through a co-design process run by expert facilitators, domain consultants and technologists

Benefits: 30-40% reduction in ongoing requirements effort for scaled programs

Start Right

Ensuring programs are scoped, planned and de-risked from the onset, embedding best practices and assurance frameworks


Benefits: 90%+ estimates confidence; 40-50% decrease in program timelines

Scale Right

Scaling applications to new geographies and/or business units by managing the conflict between platform and project, MVP and re-use


Benefits: 40-60% increase in successful local adoption

Optimise Right

Introducing automation and best practice to accelerate the shift to cloud, keeping BAU costs as low as possible while protecting platform assets


Benefits:  50% reduction in ongoing maintenance; >60% maintenance resources moved in-house or eliminated

Our team

Our teams work at the intersection of digital strategy, experience design and technology, combining design, management consulting and Pega engineering to ensure our clients have the right mix of skills to deliver true digital transformation. 


Thomas Weber



Josh Peck

Managing Director
+44 7964916669

Bild Peter Morris IKOR PX

Peter Morris

Head of Sales
+44 7964916669

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