IKOR is part of

Application Lifecycle Management

Trouble-free operation of SAP applications thanks to standardized and proven processes

Just as machines are upgraded and personnel trained, software must be kept up-to-date and adapted to evolving technical conditions, professional requirements and new business processes. However, these activities tie up considerable resources in the company, diverting them from other tasks. IKOR's Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) guarantees the smooth functioning of your business software and frees up resources by operating, maintaining and further developing your SAP applications.

IKOR ALM Services:

  • Service desk and incident management for interfaces, processes and applications
  • Certified according to IDW PS 951
  • ITIL compliant
  • Process consulting and development in SAP standard and individually, along the value chain

We deliver:

  • Trouble-free day-to-day business support of SAP applications from IKOR.
  • Full service or on demand system landscape support outsourced to IKOR or directly at the customer's or their system provider's site.
  • Core team of experienced generalists with broad expertise and proven integration skills.
  • Continuous optimization and further development of your SAP applications for company management.


Katja Schmidt von IKOR

Katja Schmidt

Dock Manager
Dock Application Lifecycle Management
+49 40 8199442-0

Image Roger Wollert IKOR

Roger Wollert

Dock Manager
Dock Application Lifecycle Management
+49 40 8199442-0

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