IKOR is part of

Digital Experience

Conception and realization of new digital business models, products and services that focus on customers and their needs.

Digital Experience means that you increase efficiency and customer loyalty by offering customers easy access to the relevant core functions and thus the ability to act independently.

We use existing interfaces and decouple complex legacy systems with in-house technology so that data and services can be made available in different front ends at any time. This improves the stability and security of your backend and creates the basis for integrating 3rd party applications flexibly into the existing system landscape, depending on the application. In this way, we enable you to prepare the data and functions of your systems in a user-friendly, seamless form, securely and efficiently for your customers. The focus on the needs of your customers in combination with the right technical infrastructure clears the way for new market offerings and allows you to rethink and reframe old customer processes.

Our services:

  • Create the necessary flexibility of your IT landscape
  • Designing end-to-end solutions for the appropriate user groups
  • Decoupling of backend and frontend systems thanks to IKOR's own integration solution

IKOR front-end pioneers:

Our team of frontend pioneers combines 300 years of expertise in the development of inspiring user experiences for a wide range of user groups. In the background, data from a wide range of systems is made available in such a way that the backend functions function separately from the frontend and interfaces can be developed specifically for users and markets and adapted to current trends. This decoupling of the two ends increases efficiency and reduces the susceptibility to errors, because developments can be carried out simultaneously and still remain independent.

We deliver:

  • Deep understanding of the needs and expectations of users for digital services, based on user-centered conception, design, prototyping and user-testing of web interfaces.
  • Analysis of the existing frontend architecture, consulting, conception, POC's and development based on modern and therefore sustainable techniques.
  • Proven, iterative process model from analysis to definition and validation of concepts and architectures to agile implementation
  • Tailor-made approach based on the requirements, either as a greenfield approach or within the framework of existing structures
  • early validation of effort estimates and user stories through prototyping and testing
  • Individual services or overall projects
  • Deep integration into your existing organization - from analysis to implementation
  • Future-proof technologies with modular approaches for sustainable solutions without vendor lock-in



Michael Runte

Chief Product Owner
Dock Public Sector
+49 40 8199442-0


Alexander Michel

Chief Product Owner
Dock Finsure Integration
+49 40 8199442-0

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