IKOR is part of

End-To-End Funding Processes

Digital and automated integration of funding processes for public sector customers

Development banks, Governmental Ministries and Public institutions at the municipal, state and federal level are facing the challenge of digitization just like the private sector. They want to offer their customers a smooth user experience and need to digitalize processes and increase efficiency. We responsibly support our customers in technical conception, architecture, implementation, testing and project management across the entire application lifecycle management based on SAP.

Our services:

  • Technological mapping of all funding-specific business processes on and offline.
  • Procedural and solution models for large-scale projects in the fields of integration, process optimization, automation and reorganization as well as SAP implementations.
  • SAP standards and customization, taking into account institution-specific requirements.
  • Architectural design, strategy and implementation for modules such as SAP ABAKUS and SAP Grantor as a basis for forward-looking solution approaches for grant portals.
  • Tailor-made platform for the digitalization of subsidy processes - from the application process through the customer's point of view to the digital workstation of clerks and dark processing in the SAP backend.

We deliver:

  • End-to-end mapping of digital applications and funding processes up to the digital workplace for clerks.
  • Digital and automated integration of the funding process into third-party systems, frontends and platforms.
  • Optimal design of backend systems and processes.
  • Integration of digital services from third-party providers.
  • Microservices that can be easily integrated into platform and cloud solutions.



Andreas Gräpel

Dock Manager
Dock Public Sector
+49 40 8199442-0


Michael Runte

Chief Product Owner
Dock Public Sector
+49 40 8199442-0

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