IKOR is part of


Seamless implementation and integration of new core systems with efficient, transparent consulting and maintenance at optimal cost

Nearshoring means for our customers in the finance and insurance industry: We offer the same time zone, corporate culture with the same quality and simultaneous cost reduction of development processes. IKOR Nearshore Docks Polska and the Development Center Belgrade combine extensive experience, high flexibility and technical know-how for Guidewire and SAP implementations. The result is customized client solutions based on our best practices.

Our services:

  • Deep Guidewire implementation expertise
  • Implementation of software solutions based on the SAP platform, Java programming language, JavaScript and their frameworks
  • Integration of systems that were not originally developed for integration
  • IKOR System Integration Platform: Turn-Key Integration Solution

IKOR expands your capacities

Our nearshore capabilities are a logical extension of IKOR's professional and proven services, taking into account the cost efficiency factor. Due to close integration into IKOR structures, the long-standing successful professional personnel and team culture is extended into the nearshore docks and supplemented with new ideas and experiences as well as with carefully selected, trained and certified software engineers, developers and architects.

We deliver:

  • Guidewire Certified Experts & Guidewire Trainers
  • Research, Prototyping, Maintenance and Testing
  • Customized solutions integrated with best-in-class standard platforms
  • Cost reduction through our nearshoring model
  • Flexible, agile, scalable development teams
  • Very personal cooperation with the customer in both German and English languages



Mateusz Eichler

Managing Director
IKOR Polska SP. z o.o.
+49 40 8199442-0


Dusan Jaksic

Managing Director
IKOR Development Center Belgrad d.o.o.
+49 40 8199442-0


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