IKOR is part of

Robotic Process Automation

Maximum efficiency through automated end-to-end business processes

Together with you, we design customized automation solutions for your business processes. Our experienced team of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) experts understand your individual requirements, develop a custom-fit concept with maximum efficiency and implement it in a targeted manner.

Our services

  • Comprehensive KPI-based analysis of business processes
  • Strategic consulting and development of a customized RPA strategy
  • Complete design and integration of the required architecture
  • Scalable solutions for growth
  • Individual development and customization of RPA solutions
  • Training and education of your employees as well as comprehensive support

RPA is a digitalization driver ...

Innovative technology RPA automates repetitive, rule-based tasks. Software robots mimic human interactions to save time and costs. Routine tasks can be outsourced to software robots around the clock. This gives users more time and space to focus on demanding, strategic tasks. 

... without extensively adapting the IT landscape 

Robotic Process Automation improves accuracy and quality of work: software robots (bots) execute processes error-free and consistently. Bots also interact - independently of interfaces or protocols - with different applications and systems. Smooth integration into existing IT infrastructures is possible without companies having to make extensive adjustments to their IT landscape. Efficient and cost-effective implementation of RPA solutions increases customer satisfaction.

Business process automation with software robots makes companies more competitive. Not only does it increase efficiency and reduce costs, it also improves the quality of work. This frees up resources for strategic tasks. This enables companies to grow and expand their success in the long term. 

We provide

  • Definition, operation and maintenance of your RPA infrastructure.
  • Identification, documentation and optimization of your business processes.
  • Analysis, development, deployment and holistic operation of RPA solutions and platforms including technical support, incidents, change and requests.
  • License and performance management, monitoring and reporting (including recording of KPIs).
  • Training, workshops and seminars, including the communication of best practices.
  • Definitions of guidelines and standards related to RPA development and operation.
  • Development of role and authorization concepts.
  • Organizational change management, audit and audit-proof workflows.
  • Transparent and open communication formats.

Let us drive your digital transformation with RPA.

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Marcus Bringe von IKOR

Marcus Bringe

Principal Consultant
Dock Assurance
+49 40 8199442-0


Martin Schmalfuß

Principal Developer
Dock Assurance
+49 40 8199442-0

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