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StepStream: How financial services and insurance companies benefit from a platform strategy


Financial services and insurance companies benefit from your platform strategy

StepStream is an established, scalable solution with an extensive customer base. The software solution specializes in connecting systems in the financial services and insurance sectors. The product portfolio includes rapidly deployable integration solutions for front-end and back-end systems as well as for connecting market and master data via information service providers.

With retroactive effect from June 22, 2023, IKOR is taking over the integration solution StepStream by StepStream GmbH in Dormagen, Germany. IKOR now combines the solution with its own platform strategy.

Meanwhile, StepStream GmbH will remain in existence and continue its consulting activities - regardless of the name of the company.

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Contact Person


Julian Markopolsky

Dock Manager
Dock Finsure Integration
+49 40 8199442-0

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