IKOR is part of


Implementation and configuration of core systems, development of interfaces and seamless integration solutions for insurance companies

Guidewire is a leading platform solution for insurers and a foundation for new services, products, and workflows. As one of Guidewire's first European partners, IKOR has broad knowledge and deep expertise around Guidewire products such as Guidewire PolicyCenter, ClaimCenter and BillingCenter.

Combined competencies: IKOR provides core system implementations and integrations of Guidewire solutions into your system environments.

Our services:

  • Implementation and configuration of the entire Guidewire InsuranceSuite (all Guidewire Centers), Portals and DataHub
  • Efficient product modeling, development and migration through best practice approaches.
  • End-to-end solutions with optimal technical and business architecture.

Finsure pioneers

IKOR is a pioneer in the digital transformation of the German insurance market. We define and set standards. Our best practices guarantee our customers high quality and success in their digitalization projects.

"IKOR, with its team of certified consultants, using German standards, is helping us implement and integrate Guidewire solutions for the German insurance market in a proficient and savvy manner." -Udo Apel, Professional Services Director DACH at Guidewire

We deliver:

  • Modelling of motor vehicles, fleets, PHV and commercial products.
  • Developing product models in Guidewire PolicyCenter, either manually through Product Designer or with Advanced Product Designer.
  • Solution designs for legally independent contracts (RsV), ratings and debit positions in PolicyCenter.
  • Process designs for renewals (with over 5 million policies), new business (classic or via comparators and portals), change business in all facets (simple, backdated, predated, intermediary change, portfolio change) and cancellations (reinstatement on or unlike cancellation date).


Julian Markopolsky

Dock Manager
Dock Finster Integration
+49 40 8199442-0

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