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— Who we are

We are committed

IKOR acts sustainably

Our commitment to sustainability

Sustainability concerns us all. IKOR is aware of its responsibility towards the environment, society, and its employees. We want to make our contribution to a more sustainable world both as a company and as people in Team IKOR. That's why we consider sustainability in every decision we make. IKOR is committed to implementing robust measures and supporting employees in their commitment to greater sustainability. 
Blue ocean water surface
Mitarbeiter lächeln

Our sustainability journey

IKOR conducted an internal audit of its performance in the three sustainability areas of Environment, Social and Governance. We identified areas for action and developed KPIs that help us measure and optimize our progress in sustainability.  
We know where we stand, what we are good at, and what adjustments we can leverage to become even better. Our Mission Sustainability team works to ensure that we are continuously improving our ESG commitments. All IKOR employees are welcome to participate and contribute suggestions, ideas, and their own commitment.  
Internal surveys show how important sustainability is to our employees. There is a great willingness to get involved in both small and big ways for a sustainable life and work. 

Our sustainability goals

We have set binding ESG goals that we aim to achieve by 2030. 

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

We want to eliminate as many greenhouse gas emissions as possible from our operations and significantly reduce those that are currently unavoidable.

Conserve resources

We aim to use as few resources as possible while actively recycling.

Encourage diversity and equal opportunities

We are actively promoting women in IT consulting and have set the goal of gradually increasing the proportion of women at all management levels. We encourage diversity, tolerance, and equal opportunity by breaking down barriers and by creating as well as maintaining a level playing field.

Optimal working conditions

We pay attention to the health and safety of our employees. We support each individual and promote a healthy corporate culture. 

Acting in a compliant manner

In the spirit of good corporate governance, we aim to be a reliable company for our business partners. We support this by carefully selecting suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.

Diversity und Chancengleichheit fördern

Wir fördern Frauen in der IT-Beratung und wollen den Anteil von Frauen insgesamt sowie in unseren Führungsebenen stetig erhöhen. Diskriminierungen wollen wir vermeiden, indem wir Barrieren abbauen und faire Bedingungen für alle schaffen.

Our sustainability report

IKOR collects and measures company sustainability data and aggregates it into KPIs, for example, conducting regular surveys of our carbon footprint. This enables us to understand the status quo, define reliable goals, and measure and demonstrate our progress.  

In our latest Sustainability Report, we present our key environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics. We share the goals we have set and our strategy for achieving them. 

Examples of our sustainability activities

We use renewable energy in IKOR’s offices. Wherever possible, we use recycled products. Water dispensers provide drinking water. We avoid throwing away resources and actively sort refuse and recyclables. We pay attention to the economical use of resources such as electricity, water or paper.

We organize social events, such as DKMS registration days. We take part in charity events and environmental campaigns such as World Clean Up Day. Most recently, we initiated fundraising campaigns with our employees for the Sternenbrücke children's hospice in Hamburg.

We align our mobility with environmental considerations. We avoid air travel whenever possible. We are gradually converting our vehicle fleet to electric powered engines. We offer all IKORians bicycle leasing and a free BahnCard.

We consider the longevity and recyclability of our IT equipment. Used equipment is made available to our employees for personal use or gifted to charitable organizations.

Two Years on the Sustainability Mission - Our Interim Conclusion

Think digital, act sustainably. Above all, sustainability is a team effort. This is our interim conclusion on the initiative. In concrete terms, this means integrating sustainability into our business activities and daily operations across all dimensions: socially, economically, and environmentally. In short, we are committed to taking responsibility for the climate.

Read our report to learn about what we have initiated and achieved so far.

Our partners

Together we are stronger: IKOR partners with companies and organizations to become better and better at sustainability.

EcoVadis helps us document our sustainability goals, while also assessing and managing the sustainability practices of our supply chains. IKOR was awarded a bronze medal by EcoVadis in recognition of its sustainability achievements.

ClimatePartner helps us to measure and balance our carbon footprint, even providing advice on how we can reduce it.

We continuously exchange information on sustainability issues with our sister companies within the X1F Group in order to initiate joint activities and learn from each other.

Contact person


Do you have any questions about IKOR's commitment to sustainability or do you have any suggestions for us? Then simply contact us here, we're looking forward to hearing from you!

Ulrike Wullenweber

Mission Lead Sustainability
+49 40 8199442-0

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