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— What we do
IKOR offers public institutions and customers in the insurance, financial and industrial sectors holistic services for digital transformation and the development of business models, processes and tools. We are proven experts in the formalization, digitalization and implementation of new processes. We drive the integration of existing system landscapes. To this end, we use innovative technology services as well as third-party software. With our focus on end-to-end processes, we create interfaces that enable new business values, services and products. At the same time, this sharpens end customer focus and the view of specific customer journeys. We achieve this by creating user-friendly interfaces and user experiences. Our holistic services are driven by our many years of experience around SAP applications. As well as by our technical expertise in system integration and stable, flexible system architectures. Innovative solutions in the areas of data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning round off our expertise.
Together with you, our experienced team of RPA experts analyzes individual requirements, develops and designs your custom-fit concept and implements it in a targeted manner - maximally efficient and with IKOR as a reliable partner at your side.
Read moreWe use existing interfaces and decouple complex legacy systems with in-house technology so that data and services can be made available in different front ends at any time. In this way, we enable you to prepare the data and functions of your systems in a user-friendly form and develop seamless user experiences.
Read moreIKOR PX puts Process Experience at the center and automates the business processes that make up your company. We increase the efficiency of your processes and the satisfaction of your customers - while reducing costs, complexity and employee effort - based on Pega solutions.
Read moreWe analyze and understand our customer’s processes along the value chain and implement their requirements in SAP systems. In addition, we deliver standard software in the field of corporate taxation and accounting with proven SAP-Add-ons.
Read moreWe combine extensive experience, high flexibility and the technical know-how for Guidewire and SAP implementations, among others. The result is customized customer solutions based on the industry's best standard platforms.
Read moreWe assume responsibility: as methodological experts in the company, as sparring partners, as a link between technology and professionalism, and as a mediator between projects and stakeholders.
Read moreIKOR’s Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) guarantees the smooth functioning of your business software and frees up resources by operating, maintaining and further developing your SAP applications.
Read moreWe support you responsibly in the end-to-end mapping of digital and automated application and funding processes through to the digital workplace for administrators.
Read moreWe provide core system implementations and integrations of Guidewire solutions into your system environments.
Read moreWe integrate the platform and system landscapes of our customers system-agnostically with flexible standard solutions and complement these precisely with products from our own development.
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