IKOR is part of

Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Service Providers

IKOR GMBH • 2023-06-09

1. Preambel

As part of the X1F Group, IKOR GmbH (hereinafter referred to as IKOR1) zis committed to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact2

and is constantly striving to improve. In doing so, we adhere at least to the currently valid legal requirements.
We expect our suppliers and service providers to comply with the applicable laws and other relevant regulations in force at the locations where they operate. If a delivery or service is intended for export, the delivery or service must also comply with the legal requirements of the country of destination. In addition, we expect our suppliers and service providers to comply with internationally recognized human rights, environmental, social and ESG standards (corporate governance) standards.
This Code of Conduct is an integral part of our procurement process. It serves as a guideline summarizing the social, environmental and ethical expectations towards our suppliers and service providers.

The management of IKOR GmbH

1 IKOR, i.e. IKOR GmbH and its domestic and foreign subsidiaries.

2 The Ten Principles of the Global Compact are listed in the appendix.

2. Scope

The Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Service Providers shall become an integral part of the business relationship with the respective supplier or service provider for the entire term of the business relationship and shall also apply to all future follow-up orders until further notice, even if no further reference is made to its application in such orders.
The currently valid version of the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Service Providers can be found at

3 Social Responsibility
3.1 Human Rights

We are committed to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights published by the United Nations3. We expect our suppliers and service providers to share these values and to commit to their observance.

3.2 Prohibtion of Child Labor

IKOR rejects any kind of child labor. We expect our suppliers and service providers to observe the regulations of the United Nations on human and children's rights. The basis for the minimum age for employment are the ILO Conventions of the International Labour Organization. Any stricter national regulations concerning child labor and the minimum age for employment must be observed as a matter of priority.

3.3 Exclusion of Forced Labor

We expect that our suppliers and service providers will not use or tolerate any form of forced or compulsory labor, neither accept it.
Forced labor is any involuntary labor or service that is required of a person under threat of punishment.

3.4 Fair Working Conditions

We expect our suppliers and service providers

  •  to comply with legal regulations to ensure fair working conditions, including those on pay, working hours and privacy,
  • to ensure payment of the legally established national minimum wage and to comply with applicable collective bargaining agreements,
  • to ensure compliance with the legally stipulated working hours.
3.5 Freedom of Association and Expression

We expect our suppliers and service providers to respect the right to freedom of expression and association of their employees in accordance with the laws applicable at their place of business and place of employment.

3.6 Non-discrimination

We expect our suppliers and service providers to

  • to treat all people, and in particular their employees, with respect and without prejudice or discrimination,
  • to refrain from any discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or world view, disability, age or sexual identity.
3.7 Health Protection, Safety at Work

We expect our suppliers and service providers to integrate occupational health and safety as an integral part of their operations and to ensure a healthy and hazard-free working environment for their employees by complying with occupational health and safety laws and regulations.

3 https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights

4. Ecological Responsibility
4.1 Natural Resouces

We strive for responsible use and procurement of natural resources (water, energy and land). We expect our suppliers and service providers to act in a resource-efficient and ecologically responsible manner and

  •  to constantly strive for the use and optimization of improved processes in the operational procedures and technologies,
  • to observe environmental protection with regard to the national legal norms and the international standards,
  • to minimize their environmental impact, in particular greenhouse gas emissions, and to continuously improve environmental protection,
  • to continuously increase the use of renewable resources.
4.2 Handling Waste and hazardous Materials

We expect our suppliers and service providers to ensure that all waste and wastewater in their area of influence is disposed of or discharged safely and in an environmentally compatible manner in accordance with the relevant regulations. In addition, our suppliers and service providers strive to reduce the waste they generate as far as possible.

4.3 Dealing with Energy Consumption and Efficiency

We expect our suppliers and service providers to work continuously on reducing their energy consumption and to use CO2 neutral energies to the greatest possible extent.

5 Ethical Business Behavior
5.1 Fair Competition

We expect our suppliers and service providers to always behave fairly and in compliance with antitrust law in their dealings with competitors, business partners and customers. This includes that they must refrain from any conduct that has the aim or effect of hindering, restricting or forfeiting free and fair competition. Unlawful agreements restricting competition or the abuse of a dominant market position must be avoided, as must the unlawful exchange of information relevant to competition.

5.2 Confidentiality, Data Protection, IT Security

We expect our suppliers and service providers to protect confidential information and personal data provided to them against unauthorized use, disclosure and misuse. The principles of economical storage of personal data and transparency of data processing apply.
We expect our suppliers and service providers to commit their employees to the relevant IT security guidelines, password policies and other requirements that are necessary in the respective business environment.

5.3 Intellectual Property

We expect our suppliers and service providers to ensure compliance with copyright law and to maintain confidentiality about the intellectual property of their own employees and business partners.

5.4 Integrity and Bribery, Acceptance of Advantage, Anti-corruption

We expect that our suppliers and service providers neither actively participate in corruption nor tolerate corruption. We also expect our suppliers and service providers to take active precautions against corruption and to take consistent action against any corruption that is identified.
When dealing with gratuities, such as gifts or invitations, we take great care to avoid any appearance of dishonesty or impropriety. We do not tolerate gratuities that raise doubts about our integrity or could be interpreted as influencing business decisions. Our suppliers and service providers are prohibited from offering cash or similar to IKOR employees.

5.5 Money Laundering

We expect our suppliers and service providers to comply with all relevant record-keeping and accounting requirements for transactions and contracts and to meet their legal obligations under national and international money laundering laws.

6. Final Clauses
Our suppliers and service providers are required to request their employees, suppliers and subcontractors to comply with the contents of this Code of Conduct in a suitable form and to train them accordingly if necessary.
Any violation of the principles set forth in this Code of Conduct will be considered by IKOR as a material impairment of the business relationship. In the event of indications of non-compliance with the principles of this Code of Conduct (e.g. through media reports), IKOR reserves the right, without prejudice to further rights, to demand information on the relevant facts.
In the event of serious or continuous violations, the business relationship may be terminated. We grant our suppliers and service providers a reasonable time to remedy violations or complaints.
The basic contact persons for our suppliers and service providers or their employees are the already known business contacts.
6.1 Handling Violations
Information on violations of the regulations contained in this Code of Conduct may be submitted to procurement@ikor.one. Information will be treated confidentially. The information will be investigated and evaluated and, where necessary, remedial action will be taken.
7. Appendix
7.1 The Ten Principles of the Global Compact
  1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
  2. Businesses should that they are not complicit in human right abuses.
  3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
  4. Businesses should stand up for the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.
  5. Businesses should stand up for the effective abolition of child labor.
  6. Businesses should stand up for the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
  8. Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
  9. Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  10. Business should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

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