IKOR is part of

The payment solution for SAP customers outside the cloud

Optimizing processes, saving costs

The smart solution for secure payment transactions in SAP

At IKOR, we are convinced that modern payment transactions should be secure, simple, and cost-efficient.

ELZA, our all-in-one SAP add-on, prioritizes security, efficiency, and compliance - without the need for cloud infrastructure or additional hardware.

Save time and money through automated processes, shortened response times, and secure approval workflows. Regardless of your company's size, ELZA provides the perfect payment format for efficient, secure, and smooth transactions in SAP.

Among others, the following companies rely on ELZA for payment transactions:

Success factors in payment transactions

How can you set the right priorities with ELZA?

Compliance und Security

ELZA ensures compliance and security by following strict guidelines and best practices. Continuous monitoring and the use of cutting-edge technologies guarantee the integrity and security of payment data.

Single Point of Truth

All payments within the corporation are centralized and monitored. ELZA proactively responds to unexpected events and immediately informs relevant stakeholders, effectively reducing response times and potential incidents.

Total Cost of Ownership

ELZA scales with your company without any hidden costs and always supports the ideal payment format and communication for your individual situation. No vendor lock-in and no man-in-the-middle, ensuring absolute transparency.


  • Seamless and complete integration of bank communication into the SAP system
  • No cloud, no external servers
  • Secure integration of non-SAP modules into payment processes
  • Process automation
  • No additional banking software required
  • Supports all relevant formats and channels (e.g., Host-to-Host (H2H), SWIFT, EBICS, SAP MBC, and PSD2) for reliable connections
  • Existing channels can be easily adjusted in case of changes
  • If new connectivity options are needed, they can be directly integrated into the existing architecture
  • Integration of SAP BCM or use of ELZA's own approval workflows
  • Supports API integration of third-party providers for functionalities such as fraud prevention and AML monitoring
  • Streamlining of cost management and improvement of transparency in cash management (full support of SAP Cash Management)
  • Centralized monitoring with comprehensive overview from transactions to account statements

What our customers say about us...

ELZA Implementation at HDI Insurance

With ELZA, the insurance group HDI continues to rely on an SAP-integrated solution for the automatic and audit-proof data exchange with its house banks.

Contact persons

Miklós Hegybiró

Managing Director

IKOR Products GmbH
+49 40 8199442-0


Philipp Wallutis

Product Manager ELZA

IKOR Products GmbH
+49 40 8199442-0

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Simply fill out the form, ask us your questions and we will get back to you shortly. We look forward to receiving your e-mail.

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