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Improving customer value from Embedded insurance

Magdalena Ganko: "The principle of the insurance industry will fundamentally change."

In the "Digital Insurance Podcast" with host Jonas Piela, IKOR manager Magdalena Ganko discusses meaningful partner constructs, integration of services, and both the resulting tasks and risks of embedded insurance models.

Presenting policies on a silver platter

Traditionally, customers call their insurance broker or use a comparison portal as soon as they need insurance. Embedded insurance is different: The sales and business model kicks in even when customers are not actively looking for insurance.

For them, insurance is not a high-interest product unless a famous “Love Brand” presents the associated policy to the market on a silver platter. The discipline thus integrates insurance services into complementary services and products such as comprehensive insurance for a rental car, pet health insurance with the purchase of dog food, or a travel cancellation policy in a vacation package for Greece.

In the "Digital Insurance Podcast" Magdalena Ganko talks to host Jonas Piela about customer and insurer perspectives. Magdalena, Chief Product Owner for Operations at Dock IKOR Polska, and Jonas discuss:

  • Trends in the context of Embedded insurance sales and business models.

"The principle of the insurance industry will change fundamentally," the Integrated Development expert illustrates with key "Embedded" topics:

  • Which concepts and measures improve customer benefits.
  • How partner industries are particularly useful for insurers.
  • Why cooperation with market entrenched platform partners and the integration of services delivers success.
  • The resulting tasks as well as risks associated with Embedded insurance models.


Bild Magdalena Ganko IKOR

Magdalena Ganko

Chief Product Owner
Dock Polska
+49 40 8199442-0

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