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IKOR mourns the death of former Managing Director, colleague and friend Lars Ackermann

Lars Ackermann, CEO of our parent company X1F, furthermore long-time colleague, friend, mentor and former IKOR Managing Director, passed away unexpectedly.

The terrible news of Lars Ackermann's death has massively affected not only the IKOR management, but also all of IKOR. We are at a loss for words and are in deep mourning. Our thoughts are with the family and we will support them wherever we can.

"Back to Business" seems incredibly difficult to us at this point, yet: The business activities of the IKOR companies remain constant despite Lars Ackermann's much too early death. We will honor and carry on his legacy.

Lars Ackermann has shaped IKOR like no other since 2003. During his time as the chief representative, board member and Managing Director (2010 to January 2023), he built up new business areas and forged innovative partnerships. At the beginning of 2023, he handed over the business to the current management trio of Sebastian Herrgesell, Sven Schlünzen and Thomas Weber. Since June 2021, he has acted as CEO at the helm of the IT solutions provider X1F, which focuses on the finance and insurance industry.

We are deeply grateful to Lars for his visionary work and for his being. We will miss him infinitely. And: We will never forget him!

Sebastian Herrgesell, Sven Schlünzen and Thomas Weber
Managing Director at IKOR


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Kristina Schreiber

Communications Manager
Anchor Circle Governance
+49 40 8199442-0

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