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The correct project management method determines the success of a project. If it does not fit the requirements and framework conditions, unfavorable situations such as budget overruns, schedule delays, communication challenges as well as problems with responsibility for missing deadlines are not uncommon. Classic Project Managementis widespread and time-tested. The original conventional approach dates back to the time of numerous, long-lasting large-scale projects such as the construction of airports. It uses tools such as Gantt chartsfor a temporal representation or techniques such as PERT and CPM for dependencies. Classical project management is particularly suitable for manageable and clearly defined projects in which requirements, resources and deadlines are stable and as far as possible clearly defined. For complex projects such as system integration, the conventional method quickly reaches its limits. Background: Classic project management is not always flexible enough.

Project Manager (classic)

  • has a project and task focus
  • ensures a clear project brief, develops a project plan and manages the project against the plan
  • acts as an interface between the client, the specialist departments and the project team
  • is responsible for the project results produced by the team

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